Hey there!
When you open this email, you’ll be like, woah, things look a little different around here. They do but fear not, let me explain to you what changed and why it changed:
Say bye to the ACPz and hello to Write On with ACP!
The original title of this space wasn’t super explicit with what we were doing here. Learning the alphabet? Doing that fake cool thing of adding a z at the end of everything? We were doing precisely neither.
I’ve rebaptized this place as Write On with ACP. This takes the pressure off me and puts it in writing! Ha, of course not. Maybe there’s more pressure on me now because the word WRITE is in the title.
The real, honest truth is that after almost five months here, I’ve realized I’m focused on a couple of topics: recovering from burnout, the process of writing, and becoming a better community member. As well as the indignations of existing. What these things have in common is a) the writing, b) the intention of moving from point A to B through that writing.
We’re always writing on. From somewhere to somewhere else. Maybe it’s not terribly explicit yet, but it’s explicit enough for now.
This was, and will always be, an experiment, so I can’t promise this will be the last change. I’m a researcher by training; we’re always moving on to explore the same questions from different angles. That’s how you learn, right? Plus, I’m not very good at marketing and doing things like claiming my niche, so…1
I’ll also say I dig the positive and kinda groovy vibe of Write On2. Some stuff might get hard and rough when we deal with tough subjects, but I always want to write toward a better future.
Alright, hope you like it.
I’m always happy to see you here.
Catch you later.
It took me hours to make these logos I can’t afford to do another change like this for another 6 months
Write On, Right On: get it? If you don’t here’s a link to the expression definition
I like it — so bright and colorful 💚 looking forward to reading what’s to come
I like the new logo!! Makes me think of avocados!!