Congrats on the Tin House fellowship! I want to someday write a(n illustrated) book on migration and the fracturing and reformation of identity. Maybe we can talk sometime : )

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Yes I love that! Let's chat!

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Can you message me your email, por favor?

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Not sure how to DM on Substack or if that's even a feature here... but here is an email! forbear-palmyra.0l@icloud.com

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I'm so glad this is all out in the open now. *grin* Congrats! I'm excited to see where all of this takes you.

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"I want to communicate that immigrants are not a binary: from here or from elsewhere, but a spectrum of experiences across us and within us. We break quantum physics by being in more than two places at once." beautiful... And we all process and unfold ourselves in our own ways. The way your artistry unfolds is unique to you, and thank you for sharing parts of yourself with us. Congratulations!! ♥️

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"But I still haven’t felt ready to share it here. This work is precious. It needs to be handled with extra care. I hope you can forgive me for being guarded as we get acquainted."

I agree. We need to protect the fragility of ideas until they are ready to be exposed.

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